Why are you interested in this position?
I am running for City Council because I am passionate about my neighborhood, community service, educating our youth, public safety, and maintaining the vibrancy of our business community. As I raise my family in Long Beach, I want to ensure we have a bright future for the next generation of residents.
What relative experience do you have in this career field?
With my long-time business experience, involvement in community activities, and experience working in the 3rd District council office, I have developed a strong working knowledge of City departments, have relationships with City staff, and an understanding of the processes to get things done. I know how the City operates and can hit the ground running on day 1.
What are 3 changes you would like to make while in office?
Public Safety - I want to promote community oriented policing and increase neighborhood watch.
The homeless situation has become dramatically worse in Long Beach. As I knock on 3rd District resident doors, they share their concerns with me about reducing the number of homeless on Long Beach city streets, parks and beaches. I will work closely with the City Manager and City Staff to support the REACH program.
Continue strong constituent services that have come from the 3rd District office.
What are your top priorities for small businesses ?
As a small business owner for over 25 years, I know the challenges and dedication required to run a small business. Business owners are the lifeblood of our community drawing visitors to our restaurants and shops and bringing in tax revenue. I would like to:
Improve the process for businesses working with City Hall by reviewing the numerous regulations surrounding our business community keeping those that make sense, and eliminating those that add to the bureaucracy.
Connect small businesses who are currently not part of a Business Improvement Association (BIA) to form alliances that will help with communication, mutually shared information, marketing, and safety/clean issues.
Work with the various City departments to develop a coherent plan for handling the homelessness issues that occur in business districts. One of the top concerns I am hearing from business owners is the negative impact homelessness is having on their business.
What are your 3 goals or main concerns for District 3?
Homelessness: I want to see the city’s time, attention and resources prioritized to improve this issue. I want to see more REACH teams in the City making contact with our homeless to get them to temporary or permanent housing. Reducing crime
Public Safety : This is a top concern of 3rd District residents. I’ll work with both the Police Chief and Fire Chief to ensure that their needs are being met.
Economic Development: Support small businesses from City Hall to the District level as economic development brings the City revenue which can be directed to public safety and much needed infrastructure repairs (it’s all connected).
How would you address people who are concerned about the City and States Affordable Housing plan and its impact on their neighborhood?
The development of housing units into current neighborhoods needs to be carefully considered. We need affordable housing in Long Beach, but I share the concern of residents when looking at state edicts about affordable housing and the impacts of overcrowding and changing the character of neighborhoods. Available space for development and integration into communities should be studied keeping in mind traffic impacts, parking impacts, availability of local public-school resources and adding additional population to our aging infrastructure.
For the 3rd District, communication and input will be essential. Public engagement and the review process of the impact on neighborhoods should include local residents, local business owners, local developers and urban planning experts. In addition, I would lobby for local control and work to preserve the integrity and character of our neighborhoods.
What is an innovative way you plan to involve the community in your decisions?
To involve the community in decision making, I will be asking for input through direct questions to the community at meetings, through email, newsletters, and surveys.
Is there a City-wide issue you would most like to address?
I do believe Public Safety needs to be our highest priority. I will work with the City Manager and Police Chief to ensure our dollars are being spent as efficiently as possible. With potential budget deficits over the next few years, it is essential that all departments are managing their funds wisely.