By Cynthia Gellis
The warm glow of neon lights on a main-street drag evoke memories of yesteryear and the ethos of the small towns on Route 66. Belmont Heights is home to several businesses sporting neon signage, many of them neighborhood landmarks. Neon signs must be custom-made by hand and, when properly maintained, tend to last an exceptionally long time, which probably leads to their ability to become icons.
Neon lighting is a catchall term that describes the technology of glass tubing that contains gas or chemicals which glow when electrified. The use of neon lighting began around the turn of the 20th century. Although not suitable for interior lighting, the application gained popularity and widespread use in outdoor signage, peaking in popularity in the 1960s.
Today we want to share some of the neon lights of Belmont Heights – how many of these have you noticed? And let us know if we missed any!
Locations of Neighborhood NEON
Benson's Liquor: 4th and Ximeno showing off its neon
Potholder: Broadway and Euclid, advertises breakfast with dashing neon lights
36/36 Club: Broadway across Euclid from the Potholder, with vintage style
Loma Liquor: Loma and Broadway, adds more neon to the Broadway corridor
Belmont Launder Pet: Near Newport and Broadway
Reno Room: Shows off its neon prominently on Broadway and Redondo
Somatic Tattoo: Broadway next to the Reno Room
Steelhead Coffee: A newer business on Redondo and Broadway, re-uses a vintage neon
Scratch Bakery: Termino and 4th Street, with a daytime shot of their neon.