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Announcing the All-New Business Membership

By Gina Redican

The BHCA has been making strides to better connect with businesses in the neighborhood. 2020 has been extremely difficult for many of our businesses and it is crucial that we, as residents, support them and help them thrive. A majority of these businesses are small, locally, and family-owned, possibly by one of your neighbors. We have an opportunity to come together to help one another.

The BHCA has been working on a new membership category, specific to businesses. For the same cost as a residential membership, the business membership will be extended to all business in Belmont Heights, or to our residents that own businesses within Long Beach. This new membership comes with the following benefits:

  • A free listing on our website’s business directory (which will populate as the membership numbers grow).

  • Preference as a vendor at BHCA events such as the Egg Hunt (which has had over 200 participants in previous years).

  • A BHCA event held at your location to help promote your business.

  • A rotational “business highlight/advertisement” on our media outlets (our e-blast has over 950 subscribers).

  • An opportunity to announce events on our website’s event calendar.

  • Preference as a sponsor for BHCA meetings and newsletter advertising when spaces become available.

  • BHCA decals for your storefront

  • Much more to come!

We would love to see this program grow into a business alliance, at no additional cost. The hope is that this “alliance” will provide mutual support for business owners. Cross promotions and mentorships, targeted e-blasts disseminating city industry information, and a general neighborhood resource are some benefits. We are extremely excited about this project, and although it will take some time to grow, we look forward to the opportunity to work more closely with our neighborhood businesses.

If you would like to become a business member, please visit our website at If you have ideas or wish to volunteer to help grow the business alliance, please e-mail us at


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