Fun facts about Belmont Heights & Long Beach!
By The Newsletter Team
John C. Fremont Elementary School is one of the oldest in the city. Built in 1904, it was originally a wooden schoolhouse. Long Beach chose this name because Fremont’s daughter, Lily, was a beloved resident of the City at the time.
Both Lowell and Rogers schools hold some of the finest Federal Arts Project art in the City: Bust of James Russell Lowell, sculpted by Louis Zack; Will Rogers Bench, designed by Stanton Macdonald Wright; and, Deep Sea Magic, mural by Olinka Hrdy.
Established in 1927, original Long Beach City College shared the Wilson High School site. After the 1933 earthquake, LBCC moved to the Carson and Clark site (c. 1935).
In 1909 Recreation Park golf course was the site of the original nine-hole Virginia Country Club, which served the downtown Hotel Virginia (hence the name). This course took advantage of the eucalyptus trees, natural lake and proximity to the Red Car train line before moving north to the Los Cerritos area in 1923.
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