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Will SEASP Finally be Approved?

Do you remember all the meetings and discussions about new zoning for (SEASP) the South East Area Specific Plan? It was approved by City Council back in

2017. Why is it coming up again as news? Because the California Coastal Commission needs to approve it along with the updated Long Beach Local Coastal Plan before it can be implemented.

The City and the Coastal Commission have been working together to finalize the plan. Issues that have been in discussion revolve around affordable housing and low cost, overnight-accommodations, the impacts of sea-level rise, and wetland protection.

The Coastal Commission staff is recommending 16 additional conditions to be met before it is approved.

Next Thursday, October 8th, it will come up for a vote at the Coastal Commission’s monthly meeting.

If you would like to know more of the details or make your comments known to the Commissioners prior to the meeting: Click on this link: Coastal Commission Meeting Agenda October 2020 to find the agenda item on Thursday’s calendar. Use the links to open the report or submit comments.

If you want to view the proceedings, join the meeting, or speak at the meeting, click on this link: Cal-Span Broadcast of Coastal Commission Meeting to find all the instructions.



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